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Why choose Tuhunga
Monitoring Demo
Dashboard Demo
Analysis Demo
Alert Demo
Data Capture Demo
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Simplify Capture with an Intuitive Interface
Easy to select data in any of the supported formats, whether uploaded or online
Capture individual elements, or entire tables at once
Point-and-click on data to select individual elements
Set the bounds on tables, or have them automatically expand to capture all of the data
Select the key nodes for hierarchical data (XML, JSON) to preserve context
Don't be constrained by a single URL. Browse the web, submit forms, login to sites, and capture the results.
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Enable Truly Dynamic Capture
Select a group of links on a web page and import the contents of each
Follow source data that changes locations
Use data from one source to build custom URLs and capture each document, such as:
Using a list of items in a spreadsheet to build URLs and capture HTML from each
Taking a table from one web page and using it to capture data from a different site
Importing data from a list of spreadsheet files on a web page
Import multi-page data from web APIs
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Preserve the Integrity of Your Data
Use content checks to ensure a valid source document
Create patterns to validate your data
Define patterns to extract targeted data
Add user-defined metadata to provide context
Review new data with optional owner validation
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